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First Church Building Established 1885

Current Church Building

1. J. B. Walker………………………………..1886-1887

2. G.W. Ogle………………………………….1888

3. W. M. McPherson…………………………1889

4. C. W. Ogle…………………………………1890

5. Mark Roberts………………………………1891-1893

6. lven Hurst…………………………………..1894

7. W. A. Kite…………………………………..1895-1896

8. Levi Branson……………………………….1897-1899

9. James Trentham………………………..…1900-1902

10. James R. Clabough……………………...1903-1904

11. C. Rule ………………………………..….1905-1907

12. M. C. Atchley………………………….…..1908-1909

13. David Mullendore…………………………1910

14. C. Rule……………………………………..1911

15. William Hurst……………………………... 1912-1914

16. S. H. Clark………………………………... 1915-1918

17. W. W. Bailey………………………………1919

18. W. S. Rule (son of C. Rule)…………….. 1920-1921

19. R. P. Roach………………………………..1922

20. R. W. King………………………………... 1923-1924

21. Jept Helton……………………………….. 1924-1927

22. T. T. Lewis………………………………...1928-1929

23. Lee Reed…………………………………. 1930-1936

24. W. A. Masterson…………………………. 1937-1939

25. Lee Reed…………………………………..1940

26. Walter Ogle………………………………...1941

27. Lee Reed…………………………………..1942

28. 0. P. Chesney……………………………...1943-1945

29. John Williams………………………………1946-1948

30. Lloyd loveday………………………………1948-1970

31. C. Ray Kitts…………………………………1970-1979

32. William E. Barnes………………………….1979-1981

33. Ralph Clevenger…………………………...1982-1988

34. Edward Adams……………………………..1988-1989

35. Fred Wolhwend…………………………….1989-1997

36. W. W. Cope (interim)………………………1997-1998

37. Dwayne White………………………………1998-Present







First sermon by T. Holbert, November 22, 1885.December 1885, Rev. W. M. McPherson

was elected moderator protem. And C. T. Ogle, church clerk. January 1886, Rev. J. B. Walker was elected first pastor for 12 months. Sunday after the 4th Saturday in April, 1886, met at river at 8:00 A. M., for the purpose of attending to one of the ordinances of God's house, to wit, baptism, (5 baptized). August, 1886, a committee was appointed

on the obituary of decent Sister Brewer. September 1886, after investigation of a

charge of unchristian conduct by absenting himself from the church, Bro. Brewer was

excluded. October 1886, delegates were sent to the Sevier Convention to organize an Association. Those sent were; J. B. Walker, J. B. Walker, Jr., J. J. Brewer, J. L. Parton, A. Mashburn, lssac King, Harrison King, C. W. McMahan, and C. T. Ogle. July, 1887, sent messengers t~ a workers meeting at Evan's Chapel. A charge of profane swearing was brought against Bro. Compton and he was excluded. May 1888, a report of card playing, drunkenness, and profanity was brought against three men. This was to be investigated. September 1888, $1.OO was contributed for printing minutes and $1 .OO for cooperative fund. November 1888, charges were preferred against a Bro. Compton for not paying debts, also, a charge against Sister Red Gibson for leaving a church and joining another church without a letter. May 1889, deacons report gives no distress

in our body at this time. July 1889 organized a Sabbath School with J. B. Walker, Supt., A. Mashburn, Assis. Supt., and C. W. McMahan as secretary. December 1889, the church voted to hold a meeting of days with the help of five Elders. It continued for 16 days with 9 conversions and 5 renewals. January1 890, Baptized in the river were; James Gibson, W. F. McPherson, Wesley Paine, J. W. Mashburn, and Margarett A. Gigson. June 1890, collected $3.90 for Harison Chilhowey Normal Academy. August 1890, charges of drunkness and profanity were brought against four men. Three sisters were put on a commity to see a Sister McPherson regarding rumors of profanity. Two of the men were later excluded. December 1890, a series of meetings went for 15 days conducted by Pastor C. W. Ogle, and assisted by Ministers; Henry kerr, Mark Roberts, Wm. McPherson, Caleb Rule, and J. A. Burnet with 14 professions of faith. January to April 1891 , 3 pastors called, two declined, Rev. Mark Roberts accepts call as pastor.

May 1891, Rev. j. B. Walker sent to Southern Baptist Convention. Given $1.00. September 1892, sent delegates to Sevier Assos. at Wears Valley. Contributed $1 .OO for

printing minutes, $2.00 for Forin Missions, $.97 for State Missions, and $.70 for Sabbath School. March 1893, Fourth Saturday had no session because of poor turnout. May 1893, commitey report on charges against Bro. Brewer and Bro. Mashburn. Bro. Brewer said he was not living right and Bro. Mashburn sez the report is not so, and he was not drunk. Acharge was preferred against Bro. Brewer for profanity, abuse to his family, and

misrepresenting Bro. Walker. He was excluded, (turned out of church). January 1894, Rev. lven Hurst elected as pastor. He accepts on condition church pay him $30 a year in quarterly payments. January 1895, no preaching, pastor could not come because of high water. February 1895, no church session because of the snow and intense cold weather.

March 1895, Rev. Kite accepts as pastor for 12 months on pledge of $48. Commity

appointed to consider pillowing of church. It cost $21. June 1895, charges of unchristian conduct against Sister Brewer were found to be true August 1895,14 day meeting led by Pastor W. A. Kite, with the help of Rev. Levi Bronson, J. B. Walker, and others, there were 37 professions. September 1897, met at the river at 8:00 A. M. to baptize two.

March 1898 C. T. Ogle and W. D. Bryan was appointed to look after the enlargement of the Shilough Cemetary. July 1898, the commity on erring stated they had seen and conversed with Bro. Wm. Gibson on rumor of intoxication. He asked that the

church would bear with him. March 1899 a commit~ was appointed on obituary of Sister Nancy Burdett, deceast. Obituary read May 1899. Sept. 1899, Caswell T. Ogle and Willliam Gibson sent as delegated to Sevier Co. Assoc. sent $.80 for minutes and $1 .OO for missions. August 1900, what started out as prayer meetings turned into a 16 day revival. There were 16 baptized and 6 restored to the church. December 1900, James Trentham was reelected pastor. Commitees appointed were; Forin Missions, Ida Bell Mashburn and Mary Gibson, Home Missions, Martha Gibson and Jane Mathes, State Missions, Eliza Alles Mashburn, and Orphans Home, Mary Mashburn and S. C. Ogle.

December 1901, the day set apart to elect a pastor. It rained so hard all day that the church failed to meet. Another date was set. September 1902, charges were brought

against Bro. Mathes and Bro. Gibson for taking to much whiskey, and Bro. Norton for profanity. November 1902, the church past a resolution against drunkenness, that whereas

drunkenness was the greatest vile the church has to contend with. Therefore be it resolved

that we will not tolerate drunkenness in the church. October 1904, Bros. W. L. McMahan and William Fox were elected deacons. March 1905, received a letter from Sister French, was sick and in need. Then brought charges against Bro. French for neglecting his family. Received $3.45 in pay for Sister French. August 1905, had a series of meetings with

Pastor C. Rule assisted by Rev. Bradford Ogle and Samuel Atchley. These 12 baptized; M. T. Shults, Walter Plemons, Nell Shults, J. W. Walker, Ernest Walker, Martha Jane Lathan, Elcy Ogle, Anteline Plemons, Mary M. Loveday, Cordy Gibson, Lizra Brewer, and Betty Plemons. July 1906, commity appointed to confer with directors and school superintendant about covering and painting house. They agreed to cover and paint house.

November 1906, obituarys of Mary R. Ogle and J. W. Warters were read. February 1907, $.27 was raised by the church to buy a book for church. December 1907 Bro. M. C. Atchley elected pastor.January 1908, Lester McMahan and Will Fox were appointed as a committee to hire a sexton for the church and Sabbath School. July 1908, a series of meetings lasted for 6 days, then these were baptized; J. W. McCarter, Molly Franklin, Armenta McCarter, Lizzra Helton, and Asken Dixon. June 1909, Rev. M. C. Atchley resigns. Rev. David Mullendore called to serve out 6 months of 1909. August 1909, meetings lasted for 2 weeks with Pastor Mullendore assisted by Rev. Sam Atchley, paid $6. 39, and Rev. J. J. Hale, for second week, paid $7.72. Baptized at that time were; Brad Helton, Covety mccarter, S. H. Gibson, Ernest Bolen, John Cody, and Maud Ogle. November 1909, Bro. Caswell T. Ogle resigns as church clerk and treasurer after 24

years. Then he and his wife were granted their church letters. Bro. John F. Norton was elected church clerk and treasurer. January 1910, Bro. Norton resigned as church clerk. Bro. W. L. McMahan was elected church clerk and treasurer. $1.70 was due pastor for past year. Two obituaries printed were; A. Mashburn, who was born May, 1845, and died June 1916. He was a charter member. Also, Sarah Clabough, who was born March 1875 (Jacob Clabough's wife), and died January 1917 This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus hidden text.

October 1 91 1, Bro. Wm. Hurst was elected pastor at $40 per year salary.

September 1912, A. J. Franklin, A. C. Christopher, and John Salts were sent as

delegates to the Sevier Association. July 1913, 13 members were dropped from

roll for covenant breaking as they had neither attended nor supported the church for an allotted time. 87 members remained on the roll. October 1914, Rev. S. H. Clark was called as pastor. January 191 5, George McMahan was elected as church clerk. July 1916, the church received $200 for their interest in the meeting house. Plans for new building with John Salts chairman of the committees. September 191 6, bought from Will Bryan the sight for the church at $40. June 191 7, nine members were excluded for heresy. Two were S. S. teachers November 1917, George McMahan, John Salts, Wm. Fox, A. J. Franklin and John McMahan elected trustees of church property. They were empowered to borrow up to $400 April 191 8, George McMahan, Sec. of Trustees to present application for aid to the amount of $300 to the Home Mission Board. Dedication services for new church building was 3rd Sunday in Sept. 1918. Sister Jane Fox died June 1919, and Bro. A. J. Franklin died in July 1919. November 1919, a charge of illicit distilling against Bro. Gibson. He was excluded. January 1920, Rev. W. S. Rule became

pastor, George McMahan clerk, and L. H. Jenkins as treasurer. August 1921, Bro. Roscoe Bible helped in revival. 34 professions and renewals. September 1922, Rev. W. R. king elected pastor. October 1923, Bro. J. A. Salts elected clerk and L. H. Jenkins, treasurer.

June 1924, Rev. Jept Helton elected pastor. Ins. On building was $2. September 1924, John Q. McMahan elected clerk, L.H. Jenkins, treasurer, and Bro. Victor Brewer elected trustee to replace George McMahan who had moved. March 1925, Bros. John Q. McMahan and L. H. Jenkins elected deacons. October 1 925, the well committee reported

the well paid for and ordered to put a pump in well. Pump cost $21. February 1928, Rev. T. T. Lewis called as pastor. September 1922, there were 107 enrolled in Sunday School with 65 average attendance. July 1927, Bro. Ernest Franklin baptized at end of revival.

November 1928, Raymond Lowe and Ernest Franklin were ordained as deacons. Bro, Sharp (from First Baptist in Sevierville), and Bro. Lingerfelt helping to ordain them.

A letter, a card, and a church covenant was prepared to send each member for Roll Call

Day, February 10, 1929. Sunday School officers for 1929 were; Ernest Franklin, Supt., L.H. Jenkins, Ass. Supt., Lucille McCroskey, Sec., Raymond Lowe, Treas., Victor Brewer, Song Leader, John Q. McMahan, Ass. Song Leader, Ruth McMahan,

Organist, and Mary Bird (Ogle), Ass. Organist. Sunday September 8, 1929, the following

were baptized at 9:00 and then went to church for worship: Reba Brewer, Joy Flynn, Lois Hall, Kathleen Jenkins, Victoria Shalts, Haskell Franklin, James Flynn, Oliver Norton, Joe Gibson, Dolph McCarter, Arlie Matthews, Paul Atchley, Anna Mae Atchley, Wade Williams. February 14,1931, a piano was bought for $75. September 30, 1934, the following were baptized; Helen Brewer, Mae Gibson, Albert Gibson, John Hardin, Carl Hardin, Fred King, Aileen Latham, Olive Smith, Ruth Tarwater, Laban William, and Myrtle Brewer. October 1935, these were baptized; Thomas Amburn, Roy Gibson, Charles Franklin, J. C. Flynn, Floyd Gibson, Fred Tarwater, Everett Taylor, Coy McCarter, joy Atchley, margarett Romines, Frances Hall, Madge McPherson,

Marie Latham, Imogene and Ruth Franklin. June 1938, Wm. And Maude and Floyd

Boling were given letters to become charter members of the New Baptist Church in Granger Co. J. A. Shalts was chairman of deacons in 1938. October 1940, these were baptized; Charlie Bird, Lena, Gary, Carl, Berne, Mary, Burley, and Coy Floyd, Helen Franklin, Grady Hardin, Lillian Latham, Marjorie Lawson, Opal Lawson, Mary

Lewelling, Virginia Lewelling, Mary Ruth Mashburn, Marsell Mashburn, Blanch

McCroskey, Wayne McCroskey, Lola McMahan, Dora McMahan, Ruth Nichols, Stella Faye Norton, and Gene Taylor. December 1935, church voted to have half time services (that is services on second Sat. and Sunday mornings and on forth Sunday and Sunday night). March 1943, Insurance policy accepted and lost was $6. a year for $180 coverage.

May 1943, motion made to put service flag in church. A star was to be placed on the flag for each boy in the community who was enlisted in the arms services. Also a star for each boy who lost his life in World Was II. The church lost 3 members, Lloyd Jenkins, Fred Tarwater, and J. C. Flynn. June 1944, Bro. Wiley Pickens was licensed to preach. He was ordained in Feb. 1947. June 1944, a drive to raise money for the bldg. of East Tenn. Baptist Hospital was discussed and $128.50 was pledged by the church. July 1948, Trustees given authority to put church on foundation and grade the place to put it.

October 1948, Rev. Lloyd Loveday was elected pastor to church indefinitely at $1 1 a trip. He served until 1970. November 1948, committee appointed to wire church for electric lights. November 1953, the Young People Class canned 200 cans for Orphan's Home. August 1955, a motion to start classrooms in the front of church. ext. June 1957, a gift of $225 was given by Mr. and Mrs. John Q. McMahan to start a parsonage fund if the church decides to build a parsonage. September 1957, Motion to buy new benches and church furniture. August 1958 Motion to buy % acre of land from Mr. and Mrs. Zack Jenkins. August 1959, Motion to buy Church Covenant to be framed and covered with glass. January 1960, Electricity was installed in church building. June 1960, Motion to get Walter Williams to teach a ten night singing school. September 1960, Motion to build

bath roomsm baptistery, and extra classrooms. Tom Amburn, Jr., became church clerk in

September 1960. Charles Franklin and Jean McCroskey have also served as church clerk

since then. June 1962, all church offerings combined (church, .s .s., and T. U. had been separate). A Bible was bought in memory of Bro. George Tarwater. August 1961, New trustees approved were; Don Gibson, Wayne McCroskey, John Hardin, and Walter Minton. Waymond Tarwater, Ernest McCroskey, Leonard Connaster, and Tom Amburn, Jr., were ordained as deacons on November 1961. June 1963, Motion that all teachers and

officers serve for all the year (not 6 months). September 1963, Motion to buy oil furnace

from John Coleman for $1 820.1 1. July 1964, Motion to accept lot for parsonage and $250. from McMahanYs April 1965, Motion to buy Everett piano from Lynn Shelly Co. fro $740. June 1965, Bro. Loveday was given full-time preaching status.

Church first Homecoming 1971, Carpet put on church floor in 1973, Cathel glass put in

windows in 1974, and water cooler added in 1974. In 1958 and in 1964, the Sevier Co. Baptist Association met at New Era Baptist Church.


Please Note The Spelling You Find In Our Church History As It Was Originally Written.